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How To Hang Canvas Art ?

12 min read

How To Hang Canvas Art ? - The Trendy Art

One of those nagging problems we all face from time to time is how to hang canvas art properly.

It may not seem challenging to hang canvas art or paintings on a wall. There are, however, specific considerations that can make the procedure go more smoothly. 

The majority of interior designers agree on a set of standards for adorning a wall at any time.

This list will assist you in understanding the process and learning how to hang canvas art like a professional.

Consider this as your complete guide to the proper technique to hang canvas art. We've explained every step to help you understand how to hang canvas art.

Hang Canvas Art

I) What Is Canvas Art ?

Canvas art refers to any piece of art that involves canvas as one of the primary materials.

Thousands of years have passed since canvas art was created. It was first discovered in cave walls in France and Spain. 

Canvas art is a new contemporary art movement. It is at the forefront of innovation in material, ideas, and production techniques. Canvas art is famous because it's simple to make and display on the wall or furniture.

Canvas prints and canvas paintings are the two styles of canvas art that are now popular.


1. Canvas Prints

Images are printed onto canvas by the use of an inkjet printer. Because the surface texture of canvas prints is similar to oil and acrylic paintings, they appear to be similar. The canvas is stretched over a frame. Some individuals like framed canvas prints, while others prefer a frameless border. 

Many people utilize the gallery-wrapping process to make an unframed canvas print. The stretcher bars are wrapped around the canvas and connected to the frame in this phase.


2. Canvas Paintings

In a nutshell, canvas paintings are the paintings that you are familiar with from art galleries. An artist paints them straight onto the canvas. Acrylic or oil paints are typically used for this.

Display Canvas Art

II) What is Canvas Art Made Of ?

Three common fabric types are used to manufacture canvas art: polyester, cotton, and linen. In addition, canvas surfaces are made from various fibers, including hemp and jute. 

Several enterprises are currently using an exceptionally durable poly-cotton canvas. This canvas can absorb and keep color the same way as cotton canvas, but with the crisp and brilliant finish of polyester canvas.


1. Stretcher Bars

A stretcher bar is a wooden frame where artists hang and wrap their canvases.

Many companies use Kiln-dried wood for their stretcher bars. Kiln-drying prevents the wood from shrinking and warping by removing its moisture.


2. Paint Or Ink

A canvas print uses ink to print, commonly done with an inkjet printer.

Acrylic or oil paints are widely used in canvas paintings.

 Boho Minimalist Wall Art

III) Which Style of Artwork Hanging Do You Prefer ?

Artwork may be hung in a variety of ways. Some individuals prefer to place artwork wherever they think it looks good, which is somewhat unplanned and casual. 

Others like a grid of identical frames and artwork pieces arranged in a grid. And some opt for a more bohemian approach similar to grid patterning but adds frames of various types and materials to offer diversity and depth to a wall. 

You could even prefer the gallery technique, in which everything is aligned correctly, leveled, and spaced.


IV) Points to Keep in Mind When Hanging Canvas Arts


1. Select a Technique

You must decide how you will hang a painting before hanging it. This is based on three factors: the image's size/weight, the hanging methods on the picture such as wire, ring, hanger, etc., and the wall material.

Picture hanging hooks or standard nails for most artworks and walls will be sufficient. Several experts advise employing anchors when hanging canvas art on walls without a stud. You may also use essential nails to hang canvas art.

The Monkey Hook is a newer alternative that requires no tools to install. Instead, simply press it into the wall, and the giant hook lays on the back of the wall, locking it in place. 

One nail or hook will probably be sufficient for small canvas art, but using two will be more secure and likely to stay centered.

You may also utilize 3M poster hangers for canvas paintings that use either velcro strips or plastic hooks and don't leave a mark on your walls.


2. Choosing the Best Location

One of the most crucially essential aspects of this procedure is deciding where to hang your artwork. You must first choose which wall or place your canvas art displayed. Next, measure across that area to determine the center and mark it with a pencil or painter's tape.

After that, you must determine the height of the canvas art on the wall, which is where many individuals make mistakes. The center of the canvas art should be at or near eye level as a general rule. Because everyone's eye level differs, most professionals refer to 60-65 inches as the standard.

Make a note of this as well, and when you combine it with your horizontal middle point, you'll know precisely where your canvas art's center should be.

 Canvas Art

3. Unframed Canvas vs. Framed Canvas for Hanging

A framed poster or canvas expresses refinement and usually includes a hanger. A canvas that is not framed offers a sleek, contemporary appearance.

So, how do you hang a canvas that isn't framed? If the piece isn't too large, hammer two large-headed nails into the wall and hang it, making sure it's straight with a level. To keep a larger canvas safe from the bumps of life, use a sawtooth hanger or eye hooks.


4. Make a plan.

It is advisable to spread out canvas paintings on the floor before hanging them in a collection. Try an oval, a grid, or a free-form pattern to let your imagination run wild. Measure between the frames and write the measurements down after your vision is complete. Then, on tissue paper, trace and cut out each canvas. 

You may hang the tissue paper on the wall and distance the paintings using a measuring tape. After that, hammer nails into the tissue paper and hang each canvas.


5. When hanging a canvas art, keep these factors in mind :

  • First, make sure your canvas isn't exposed to direct sunlight. Otherwise, the colors will fade more quickly.
  • Canvas paintings are a sensitive material. When hanging your canvas arts, use white cotton gloves to avoid damage. 
  • The wooden frame may warp if your canvas is exposed to a humid, changing climate. This implies that hanging canvas arts in moist, humid spaces is not a good idea.


6. To hang your artwork, you'll need the following items:

Essential tools are required for all procedures of hanging wall art. Of course, you could already have some of the tools at home or in your workshop, but if not, you can go to your local store and get the ones you don't have.


  • Hammer
  • Measuring tape
  • Pencil
  • Level
  • Screwdriver
  • Wall hooks

 Hang Canvas Art On Walls

V) How To Hang Canvas Art ?

The most proper technique to hang your artwork will be determined mainly by the type of painting you are hanging. In addition, different sizes of paintings will necessitate different techniques of hanging.


VI) How To Hang A Small canvas ?

When hanging a small piece of artwork, it is essential to consider its location not to appear lost when put on the wall. Place it over furniture to ground it, or hang it as part of a set, either next to one another or piled one on top of the other, to effectively fill the walls.


1. Nails

Nails are the ideal option if you have small or medium-sized canvas art. Since they don't damage the walls, brass and steel nails would be the perfect option. 

  • Draw a pencil mark on the wall.
  • On the mark, hammer a nail into the wall.
  • Leave half an inch of nail out of the wall to hand the canvas.
  • Finally, hang the canvas art on the nail.

2. Sawtooth Bracket

Sawtooth Bracket is the best choice for small and medium-sized canvases. The size of your canvas prints should determine the size of the sawtooth bracket. You'll also require screws and nails for the sawtooth bracket.

  • Hammer the nail into a hanger hook at a bit of slant.
  • Mark the center point of the canvas's top side.
  • Place the bracket on the canvas and the wall where you marked it.
  • Begin by screwing one side of the bracket, then the other.
  • Finally, double-check that the screws are firmly attached.


3. Adhesive strips

Adhesive strips are the cheapest and easiest way to hang your wall hangings. They are not only long-lasting, but they also assist in keeping your walls in good condition. In addition, adhesive strips require no nails, hammers, hooks, or other tools to be used. 

Choosing the right canvas weight for your project is all you need to worry about. First, check the weight capacity of the stated strips matches the weight of your canvas. If it doesn't, they might not take the weight. We recommend Adhesive strips for small and medium-sized canvas arts.

And if it does, here are the steps to using it for wall hangings.

  • Begin by measuring and marking the wall with the canvas.
  • Next, apply adhesive strips to all edges of your canvas's wooden frame.
  • After you've placed the strips in all four corners, push the canvas against the wall.

 Minimalist Wall Art

VII) How To Hang An Unframed Canvas ?


  • First, attach two eye hooks to the stretcher bars on each side. Then, wiggling them a little to see if they're solid enough.
  • After that, cut a tiny wire and link both eye hooks with it. For extra strength, always use a thin wire. Strings degrade with time, and if one breaks, it might harm the painting.
  • Then, decide where you want to put your canvas on your wall. If you don't have a separate gallery, your artwork can be displayed on the living room wall. It should be hung at eye height so that everyone can see it.
  • Make sure the canvas is appropriately level once you've chosen a location on your wall. Using a little spirit level bar is a simple method. The paintings will stay in place and will not lean in any direction in this manner.
  • Always know the center points of an unframed painting before hanging it. Even if you don't have a spirit level to help you, you'll find it easy to level the canvas this way.


VIII) How to Hang Large Canvas Arts on the Wall ?


Hanging large art requires a somewhat different strategy than hanging more miniature artworks. First and foremost, you'll require the appropriate hardware. 

For larger paintings, use a D-Ring instead of a screw eye hook, most usually used for hanging art. A D-Ring fits at the backside of the picture frame and provides a more stable base for hanging.

Heavy-duty hanging wire and hooks will be required, depending on the size of your display. These help to hold big art on the wall in place. To be safe, verify the specifications of the wire you're using; it'll specify a breakpoint that can be converted to maximum frame size. 

It is recommended to secure your hanging hook directly to a stud for the heavier pieces. You may also use a cleat hanging system if your canvas art is displayed in areas where people will. Most likely, bump into. It will protect your artwork from tilting. 


1. J-hooks

J-hooks come in various sizes and are ideal for hanging larger or broader canvases. Nails are used to securing them to the wall. Smaller ones require one nail, while larger ones require two nails. Use the tools and equipment following what you believe will offer sturdiness to your canvas prints. 

Here are the steps:

  • Start by marking the wall with the size of your canvas.
  • After that, you'll know how many and what size hooks you will need for your canvas.
  • After that, place your J-hook on the spot and hammer the nails and hooks together.
  • Finally, double-check that the hooks you hammered are entirely aligned and will not cause the canvas to seem twisted.


2. Eye hooks


  • Start by inserting the eye hooks into either side of your canvas's wood frame.
  • Then you'll require to wrap the wire around the eye hook to have enough space to hang.
  • Finally, hammer the nail into the mark and hang your beautiful canvas with wire.

 Hang Canvas

IX) How To Hang Canvas Arts Without Nails ?

There are a variety of techniques and items available on the market to assist you in hanging canvas paintings on the wall. According to some of the best web researchers, the following are options for hanging canvas paintings on the wall without causing visible harm.


1. A bookcase serves as a wall on which to place a canvas painting.

As both books and canvas art are considered works of art, using a bookshelf as a wall to hang canvas art. A bookshelf can be arranged to display different canvas artworks together.


2. Place the canvas art against a wall.

There is no need for adhesive chemicals or nails since the best way to hang canvas art on the wall is to rest it against it. Place a canvas art on top of the massive furniture if you need to lean it against the wall.

3. Make the most of your fireplace mantel.

Fireplace mantels are typically crowded with family photographs and antiques, but they may also be a stunning backdrop for colossal artwork.

Place your framed artwork on the mantel, lean it back, and relax. The artwork on the mantel should be protected if the fireplace is frequently used, though.


4. Sticky wall hooks and adhesive strips

Sticky wall hooks and adhesive strips are only two examples of the numerous goods available on the market that employ adhesive technology. Use sticky wall hooks if your canvas art has a frame. That way, you won't have to drill a hole in the wall to hang the canvas painting.


5. Clip It Up

Try this method if you enjoy the concept of having set spaces for your art and want the freedom to switch up your pieces. Instead of using Command adhesives directly on the canvas arts, use clips. 

Plan out where each clip will go on the wall, then insert your work into the appropriate clips. Then, when you wish to rearrange things, just unclip the art from its original location and replace it. What is best in this approach is that you don't have to change the clip setup if you don't want to.


6. Use an easel to display your work.

Easels take up a lot of floor room, so if you're in a studio, this might not be the ideal option. However, if you have the space, especially in larger standard rooms where a statement art piece might become the main point of the room, consider placing your canvas arts on an easel or pedestal. As it will not feel as two-dimensional as if it were placed on a wall, this type of display will provide another layer of engagement with the piece.

Hang Canvas On Wall 

7. Command Hooks

You might want to use a Command hook instead if you have heavier things to exhibit. The Designer and Utility hooks are available in sizes that can support up to 7.5 pounds. 

Use more of them straight for heavier items and connect the wire from your art onto it. Your artwork will feel more separated from the wall and almost gallery-like since the hooks extend a few centimeters out from the wall.


8. Install a Pegboard

This option is ideal for people afraid to make long-term commitments because it allows you to move out of the art anytime you choose. It may be utilized as an accent wall, a headboard, or just about anything else you can think of. 


9. Build a Cork Wall

A cork wall similar to pegboard is ideal for folks who want to switch up their decor regularly. It's also a delightful addition to a kid's room, a craft studio, or a home office. Unfortunately, while you may use liquid glue to place the cork, you'll almost certainly have to sand off the adhesive after the cork is removed.


10. Command Strips

This is the most common method for hanging frames, canvases, and other artwork without leaving a mark on the wall. The simple sticky Command strips are ideal for lighter items such as poster board, paper, and smaller frames, but the velcro-like Command picture-hanging strips are designed for just that.

They come in various sizes to handle various weights, and you may use more than one on a frame for added support. These are beautiful solutions when you want your hangings to blend in with the wall. There'll be no gap between the wall and your art, resulting in a clean finish.

Still have trouble deciding where to exhibit your artwork ?

Then try creating a gallery wall to exhibit a collection of your favorite prints that all complement one another! It's a good idea to arrange your painting on the floor first, so you can play about with the placement until you're pleased with it before going straight for the wall.

 Framed Minimalist Wall Art

Finally, Wrapping Up

That's it ! To hang canvas art, we've explored nearly all the options available. These are a few popular methods for displaying your lovely canvas arts. Make sure that whichever technique you use to hang canvas arts is appropriate for the size of your canvas. Canvases provide so much delight to your space, allowing you to be amazed by your beautiful recollections.

Hopefully, you can find luxury or minimalist wall art on our website such as louis vuitton wall art to upgrade your home decor.

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