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Yes , we do ! We provide Free Worldwide Shipping with tracking to most locations around the world. We have a global production network , which allows use to produce and deliver products all around the world for free . Our production facilities are based in the US , Canada , Australia , Mexico and the UK.
Our orders are shipped locally in our production facilities which are located in the US , Canada , Australia , Mexico and the UK.
Here are our estimated delivery times once the purchase is made :
- US , Canada , Mexico : 4-7 business days
- Australia : 5-7 business days
- UK : 4-7 business days
- EU : 4-7 business days
- Reste of the World : 10 business days
Every order includes a tracking link shat shows the progress of your delivery. Once your order is ready for delivery , you will receive an email confirmation with tracking details and an expected delivery date from our shipping carrier. If you don't receive a shipping confirmation email within 7 business days after placing your order , check your spams . If you are still not able to find tracking infirmation for your order please contact support@thetrendyart.comand our support team will get back to you right away.
If you are unsatisfied of your order , you have 10 days from the delivery date to return the products. Please contact us at support@thetrendyart.com to follow our return procedure.
Please allow us 48 hours from the date we receive your return for processing the refund. The refunds will be issued and may take 5-7 days business days to show on your bank account.
With our secure delivery, The Trendy Art will take care of any disputes for you. Customer satisfaction is our main priority. The tracking number is proof of the reception or not of your package.
Please contact us at support@thetrendyart.comif you didn't receive your tracking number and your order. Our support team will get back to you to get your delivery and your product.