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What Motivates People To Struggle For Change ?

June 11, 2023 15 min read

What Motivates People To Struggle For Change ? - The Trendy Art

Key Takeaway:

  • Dreams and desires, the need to avoid pain, and a sense of purpose or meaning are all motivators for change. Specific triggers, such as goals, values, beliefs, and new opportunities, can be experienced to motivate individuals to make changes that offer them satisfaction.
  • Factors that motivate people to change include self-efficacy, reinforcement, concrete steps and small goals, and desires and aspirations. By breaking down goals and providing support, individuals can build confidence and make progress towards change.
  • Belief in a cause, personal experience with an issue, peer pressure, emotional connection to a cause, and a sense of responsibility are all powerful motivators that can inspire people to take action and fight for change. Professionals are studying these factors to better understand what drives individuals to strive for change.






In today's world, there are countless struggles for change, ranging from fundamental societal shifts to individual choices. What motivates people to pursue such changes and push through even when faced with obstacles? The Reference Data suggests that passion, a sense of purpose, and a desire to improve the world around them can drive people to struggle for change.

For many individuals, the driving force behind their struggles for change is a deep passion or commitment to a particular cause or goal. Whether it is fighting for social justice, preserving the environment, or advocating for a particular political ideology, these individuals feel a sense of purpose and drive that fuels their actions. Additionally, personal beliefs or external pressure may create a sense of obligation to engage in struggles for change.

Beyond individual motivations, broader societal factors can also play a role in motivating struggles for change. Cultural and societal norms may dictate that certain actions are necessary or desirable, leading individuals to pursue specific changes in order to stay in line with these expectations. Additionally, certain events or crises may act as catalysts for change, spurring people to take action in response to a perceived threat or injustice.

All in all, there are countless motivations for people to struggle for change, both at the individual and societal levels. By better understanding these factors, we can gain insight into the drivers of change and work to create a world where positive transformations are more likely to occur.

Motivators for change

Have you ever wondered what motivates people to fight for change? In this section, we explore the powerful motivators that drive individuals to make a difference. From personal aspirations to the need to alleviate suffering, and a sense of duty and responsibility, we'll take a closer look at the factors that inspire individuals to take a stand and create a better future.

Dreams and desires

The power of our dreams and desires lies in the emotional connection we have towards them. When we envision ourselves achieving our desired outcomes, we experience positive emotions like joy, excitement, and fulfillment. These emotions serve as strong motivating factors, inspiring us to take necessary steps towards turning our dreams into reality.

It's not just personal goals that benefit from this approach. Shared visions can also motivate groups of people towards a common purpose. Whether it's striving for social change or a better future for all of humanity, collective dreams and desires can inspire individuals to work together towards a shared goal. When we focus on a shared vision, we feel a sense of connectedness within the group, providing the support we need to keep moving forward.

While fear can sometimes be a strong motivator, it's important to approach change with caution so as not to cause undue pain in the process. By harnessing the power of our dreams and desires, we can achieve great things both individually and as a collective.

The need to avoid pain

Pain is a powerful motivator for change in individuals, and the need to avoid pain is a natural instinct of human beings. This innate drive significantly impacts their life choices and decisions.

The avoidance of pain is a vital factor in motivating people towards change as they often take action when they experience pain or discomfort due to their current circumstances. For example, a person may adopt a healthier diet after being diagnosed with a health condition or experiencing physical discomfort due to their current eating habits.

Furthermore, the fear of pain can prompt people to make proactive changes to prevent future suffering. Taking appropriate safety measures while driving is a prime example of this, as it helps prevent accidents and personal injury, thereby avoiding physical pain.

Research has shown that individuals who perceive negative consequences as inevitable are more likely to take action to prevent them than those who do not anticipate any significant outcomes from their actions.

Besides, avoiding emotional pain can also serve as a motivator for change, particularly in cases of psychological trauma. Trauma sufferers may take steps to address their emotional issues to avoid the development of negative outcomes like depression or PTSD.

In conclusion, the need to avoid pain is a powerful motivator for change for human beings, and it influences most of their decisions, be they physical, emotional or psychological.

Sense of purpose or meaning

Having a sense of purpose or meaning is a key motivator for change. When individuals feel like they are working towards something meaningful, it encourages them to put in the effort and make the necessary sacrifices in order to achieve their goal. This sense of purpose can be derived from a variety of sources, such as personal values, beliefs, and life experiences.

Many people seek out a sense of purpose or meaning when they are looking to make changes in their lives. This provides them with a reason that goes beyond just avoiding pain or achieving certain desires. In fact, having a clear sense of purpose can be a major factor in helping people stay motivated and focused throughout the process of change. For example, someone who has lost weight may feel driven by the purpose of improving their overall health and wellbeing.

Research has shown that individuals who have a strong sense of purpose are more likely to engage in activities that align with their beliefs and values, compared to those who lack this motivation. This drive often leads people to get involved in causes larger than themselves, such as volunteering, helping others achieve their goals and making a positive impact on society.

One helpful tip to encourage others to find their own sense of purpose is to ask open-ended questions about what matters most to them. By identifying how their actions can contribute to fulfilling their sense of meaning or purpose through small steps every day, they can find the motivation they need to achieve their goals.

Although change can be difficult, it is achievable with self-efficacy, reinforcement, and concrete steps. With a sense of purpose or meaning driving us forward, anything is possible.

Factors that motivate people to change

There are various factors that motivate individuals to strive for change. In this section, we'll delve into some compelling drivers that encourage people to take action and work towards realizing a better future. Our discussion will cover self-efficacy, reinforcement, concrete steps, and achievable goals, as well as desires, dreams, and aspirations. By understanding these motivators, we can gain insight into what inspires individuals to pursue meaningful change and make a positive impact in their lives and communities.


People's belief in their ability to effect change is called self-efficacy. This motivator is based on the idea that individuals are more likely to undertake challenging activities and pursue long-term goals if they feel confident of success, regardless of whether or not they possess the actual skills or experience. Self-efficacy can be influenced by a variety of factors such as a person's emotional state, past successes or failures, and feedback from others. People with prior experience or successes in similar tasks tend to have higher levels of self-efficacy than those who lack such experience.

Moreover, positive feedback from peers and mentors can also boost an individual's confidence and perceived self-efficacy. Apart from these factors, self-efficacy can be nurtured by setting small and achievable goals. Breaking down larger tasks into smaller and manageable pieces allows individuals to build confidence as they complete each step successfully. Additionally, having a clear understanding of desired outcomes and how to achieve them can increase self-efficacy.

To further support self-efficacy, individuals can identify sources of inspiration and motivation that align with their goals. Setting achievable milestones along the way provides a sense of progress and encourages continued efforts towards long-term aspirations. Regular reinforcement from support systems such as friends or professional mentors can also help maintain high levels of self-efficacy over time.

Change may not always be easy, but with the right reinforcement, it can undoubtedly be rewarding.


One key aspect of reinforcement is timing. In order to be effective, behavior should be rewarded or punished immediately after it occurs. Waiting to provide reinforcement later will not produce the same results. Another essential factor is consistency. It is important to consistently reward positive behavior and punish negative behavior. This helps individuals understand what outcomes are expected from their actions.

Reinforcement can be both extrinsic and intrinsic as well. Extrinsic reinforcement comes from external sources like praise or prizes, while intrinsic reinforcement comes from within the individual, such as a sense of accomplishment or pride.

Lastly, it is crucial to balance reinforcement with other forms of motivation, such as desire, purpose, and belief in a cause. While reinforcement can provide short-term results, if we want to see more significant and long-lasting changes, we must commit to these deeper motivators.

In conclusion, timing and consistency are crucial aspects of reinforcement. Reinforcement can be extrinsic or intrinsic, and balance with other motivators is necessary for it to be most effective. In order to achieve long-term change, we must commit to our deeper motivators and use reinforcement appropriately.

Concrete steps and small goals

Starting with concrete steps and small goals has been proven to be a successful motivator for individuals, as evidenced by factual data. Here are six concrete steps that can help achieve change:

    1. Break it down into small pieces

When faced with a daunting challenge, taking it on all at once can feel overwhelming. However, breaking it down into smaller, manageable parts can lessen the intimidation factor and make tracking progress easier.

    1. Set specific goals

Having clear, achievable goals is crucial to prevent frustration and disappointment along the way.

    1. Focus on what's within your control

While certain factors related to a situation may be out of an individual's control, it's important to concentrate on what can be controlled and move forward based on that.

    1. Use deadlines

Setting deadlines adds a sense of urgency and helps prioritize tasks crucial for achieving the goal.

    1. Celebrate milestones

Acknowledging and celebrating even minor accomplishments along the way can help maintain momentum towards achieving final objectives.

    1. Seek support

Regular communication with individuals who share similar beliefs or goals provides a sense of community, which can help sustain motivation levels over time.

These steps enable individuals to break down challenging tasks into manageable portions that they can complete one at a time. Setting specific objectives provides clarity over their goals and reduces mistakes by focusing on what's within their control. Deadlines add a sense of urgency, while milestones provide feedback that motivates continued efforts as incremental improvements increase confidence towards achieving greater achievements.

To implement these ideas, starting with something definite is always more effective than merely dreaming about vague possibilities. Individuals must have capable goal-setting skills to make significant changes happen successfully in their lives without expecting external factors to bridge the gaps for them.

Desires, dreams, and aspirations

Having desires, dreams, and aspirations can be powerful motivators for people when it comes to initiating change in their lives. These aspirations provide individuals with a sense of direction and purpose, which gives them something to strive towards. According to Reference Data, motivation to change can come from various sources, including a sense of meaning and purpose in one's life, as well as desires and dreams.

Desires, dreams, and aspirations are essential motivators for individuals to take concrete steps towards improving their situation. Having a clear vision of what one wants and desires can help give individuals a sense of self-efficacy that will lead them to take action. However, it is crucial to note that having aspirations on its own might not be enough. Reference Data shows that reinforcement, concrete steps with small goals, belief in a cause, personal experience with an issue, peer pressure emotional connection to an issue, as well as a sense of responsibility can all motivate people further towards struggling for change in their lives.

Belief in a cause

Starting with a strong belief in a cause is often the driving force behind struggling for change. It is this unwavering conviction that propels individuals and groups to take action and make a difference in the world. Belief in a cause can take various forms, ranging from a deeply personal and emotional commitment to a broader ethical or moral stance. Often, people are driven by the desire to rectify a specific grievance, whether it be social injustice, environmental degradation, or economic exploitation. They may have witnessed or experienced firsthand the adverse consequences of these issues and feel compelled to act out of a sense of duty or obligation.

Furthermore, belief in a cause can be spurred on by a determination to effect change on a larger scale. This can take the form of organized social movements, where a shared vision and common goals motivate individuals to come together and take collective action. Through mobilizing a significant mass of people around a particular issue, social movements can exert considerable pressure on civil and political institutions, ultimately leading to tangible change.

According to reference data, understanding what motivates people to struggle for change is essential in comprehending the human drive for social justice. Belief in a cause is a powerful force that can drive individuals and groups to struggle for change. By understanding the motivations behind social activism, we can gain insight into the human drive for social justice and work towards a more equitable and sustainable future.

Personal experience with an issue

Personal experience with an issue can be a powerful motivator for individuals to effect change. According to factual data, people who are inspired to push for change often have a personal connection or a strong sense of empathy towards the issue they are working towards. Their first-hand experiences with the issue have propelled them to take action, whether it be advocating for policy changes, spreading awareness, or even tackling the issue themselves. For instance, survivors of sexual assault may become advocates and work towards ending the culture of rape and victim-blaming.

Furthermore, personal experience with an issue can also shape an individual's perspective and understanding of the problem at hand. It allows them to see the issue from a unique and firsthand point of view, giving them a sense of agency and credibility in their actions.

One example of this is the LGBTQ+ community, where many individuals have had direct experience with discrimination and inequality. Their struggles inspire them to fight for equal rights and acceptance for their community, not just for themselves but for generations to come.

Throughout history, many iconic figures like Martin Luther King Jr., Malala Yousafzai, and Mahatma Gandhi were driven by their personal experiences with issues like racism, women's education, and colonialism. Their stories continue to inspire and motivate individuals to take action and strive for change. Personal experience with an issue is undoubtedly a critical factor that drives individuals to take up causes and become passionate advocates for change.

Peer pressure

Peer pressure, a powerful driving force, can motivate people to struggle for change by influencing those around them. Research has shown that pressure from friends, family members, or colleagues can be effective, especially in situations where there is a shared sense of purpose or a strong community.

This type of pressure can encourage people to take action to support a cause or speak out against injustice, even if they might not have done so on their own. During times of political unrest or social upheaval, this can be particularly important, as the cost of inaction is very high.

One unique aspect of peer pressure is that it can often be more effective than other forms of motivation. When people feel that they are part of a larger movement or a community that shares their values, they are more likely to be committed to their cause and work hard to achieve their goals. Belonging and shared purpose can be incredibly powerful and inspire people to overcome even the most daunting challenges.

The civil rights movement in the United States is a powerful example of how peer pressure can be a force for good. People were inspired by the courage and determination of others in their community and were motivated by their support and encouragement. Despite facing violence and persecution, they refused to back down, fighting for justice and positive change in the world.

Emotional connection to a cause

Understanding the Emotive Drive to Push for Change

Human beings are driven by a complex interplay of emotions and motivations which inspire them to work tirelessly towards various goals. One of the most significant factors motivating people to fight for change is their emotional connection to a cause. This emotional attachment often arises from a deep-seated belief in a particular issue or cause, providing individuals with the empowerment and drive required to effect positive change in their community or the wider world.

The Importance of Developing and Harnessing Emotional Connection

The emotional connection to a cause is a critical driver of social and political change. It motivates individuals to take action and challenge the existing status quo, owing to a shared set of values, experiences, or unwavering belief. Its power lies in its ability to transcend the individual and instill a sense of collective purpose. Harnessing this emotional drive and channelling it towards strategic action is fundamental to mobilizing people for a cause they feel passionate about.

Navigating the Challenges and Risks Inherent in Emotional Connection

Despite the immense power of emotional connections, they are not without risks and challenges. Unchecked emotions can drive individuals towards rash actions without carefully considering their impact or consequences. Such unregulated emotional responses may undermine the efficacy of a movement and its cause. Additionally, unscrupulous actors can manipulate and hijack emotions to cause social unrest, which may run counter to the intended goals of the movement.

Pro Tips

Channeling and regulating emotions are critical to achieving positive change through emotional connection. Channelling emotions towards the ultimate goal and ensuring they don't hinder the efficacy of the movement requires a deep understanding of human emotions and the importance of strategic thinking. Developing a robust action plan aligned with the cause is crucial to leveraging emotional motivation and effecting lasting change.

Sense of responsibility

Individuals who possess a strong moral compass always seem to display a sense of responsibility concerning societal issues, and this is because they believe it is their duty to improve the world around them. Recent studies have shown that people typically feel compelled to act when they witness social inequality or injustices, which heightens that sense of responsibility even further.

Interestingly, this sense of responsibility is not solely limited to individuals in positions of power or influence. Grassroots movements have shown the power of collective responsibility, where individuals join together for a common goal. This shared sense of responsibility is what motivates individuals to take action, and in turn, inspires others to join the cause, making these movements incredibly successful in promoting a sense of ownership towards community issues.

Moreover, individuals who have a sense of responsibility are often more likely to hold themselves accountable for their actions and take proactive steps towards finding solutions. This sense of ownership and initiative sets them apart from passive bystanders and enables them to cultivate a sense of agency. By taking responsibility for their actions, individuals can harness the power of collective action, leading to positive social change.




Some Facts About What Motivates People to Struggle for Change:

  • ✅ Specific triggers can motivate a person to change their life, and people are motivated by what they want. Feeling like they have nothing to live for or new job opportunities can be great triggers for motivation. (Sources: Health World BT, Morrigan Post)
  • ✅ The three major reasons why people are motivated by work are career, goals, and satisfaction from helping others. Dreams and desires, the need to avoid pain, and a sense of purpose or meaning are the three main motivators for change.(Sources: Health World BT, Stunning Motivation, Vision Psychology)
  • ✅ By understanding the different motivations behind the struggle for change, we can better understand the world around us. Dreams and desires, values, beliefs, personal experiences, peer pressure, emotional connections, and a sense of responsibility are some of the triggers that motivate people to struggle for change.(Sources: Morrigan Post, Pen What Matters, Stunning Motivation)
  • ✅ Factors that motivate people to change include self-efficacy, reinforcement, concrete steps and small goals, and desires and aspirations. People come to therapy to feel better, improve relationships and solve problems. Self-efficacy, reinforcement, concrete steps and small goals, and desires and aspirations are some of the factors that motivate people to change in therapy. (Sources: Vision Psychology, Stunning Motivation)

FAQs about What Motivates People To Struggle For Change

What Motivates People to Struggle for Change?

Professionals have studied what motivates people to strive for change, and research suggests that people are motivated by what they want. Specific triggers can motivate individuals to change their lives, but triggers must be experienced first before they can be used to motivate. Even feeling like you have nothing to live for can increase motivation.

A new job or opportunity can be a great trigger for motivation, and there are three major reasons why people are motivated by work: career, goals, and satisfaction from helping others. Some people find work to be a source of joy and will do almost anything to achieve it.

Change is an inevitable part of life, and it is essential to accept it to grow and evolve. People often resist change because they fear stepping out of their comfort zone, but stagnation is not a desirable option. External and internal factors serve as stimuli to motivate people to make changes that offer them satisfaction. Belief in a cause is the most important factor that motivates people to fight for change.

By understanding the different motivations behind the struggle for change, we can better understand the world around us. It only takes a tiny bit of motivation to quell the internal conflicts about what we value more. Three main motivators for change are dreams and desires, the need to avoid pain, and a sense of purpose or meaning.

People often come to therapy to feel better, improve relationships, or solve problems. Change is necessary but can be difficult due to conflicts over values. Resistance to change is common in therapy. Factors that motivate people to change include self-efficacy, reinforcement, concrete steps and small goals, and desires and aspirations. Self-efficacy is the belief in one's ability to achieve something and be rewarded. Reinforcement encourages positive steps towards change and builds a visual image of improvement. Concrete steps and small goals build self-confidence and increase the likelihood of change. Desires, dreams, and aspirations provide the emotional incentive for behavior change.

People desire change in society for various reasons. Personal experience with a particular issue drives people to become passionate about creating change. Peer pressure, especially among younger generations, can influence people to join in the fight for a cause. Emotional connection to a cause, whether from personal experience, empathy, or strong belief, is a powerful motivator for change. A sense of responsibility to create a better world for future generations also drives people to take action.

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